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top charity lottery providers uk
Blog | Charity Lotteries, Fundraising ideas

The top charity lottery providers in the UK

Charity lotteries have become a vital fundraising tool for many non-profits in the UK, providing a fun and engaging way for supporters to contribute to worthy causes.
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Group of people talking around a laptop
Blog | Fundraising ideas

How to choose the best fundraising platform for your organisation

Many non-profits are now using online fundraising platforms. How do the top online fundraising platform providers distinguish themselves from others?
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Group of people talking
Blog | Fundraising ideas

Top fundraising ideas for community organisations

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer, everyone needs a little inspiration now and then. Check out our list of the top fundraising ideas to help support your cause.
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local authority lottery community group
Blog | Community Lottery, Fundraising ideas

CVSs launch lotteries to boost local fundraising

Communities are facing significant challenges in today's economic climate, with the cost of living at an all-time high and the need for support greater than ever before.
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