Lotteries for local authorities and CVSs

Join more than 120 local authorities and CVSs across the UK who use a Gatherwell lottery to fundraise for essential services.
Our innovative, low-cost lotteries help build a more resilient voluntary and community sector, and provide a valuable source of unrestricted funds.

Generate new income for essential services and create goodwill across the community with a Gatherwell lottery.


local authorities
and CVSs

£3.7 million

funds raised
each year


returned to
the community

Number one

in lotteries for
councils and CVSs


source of funding
for your community

Build a more resilient community sector

Gatherwell lotteries help local authorities build a more resilient voluntary sector by providing grassroots organisations with a fast and effective way to fundraise.

You can also create a stream of unrestricted funds that can be used for initiatives such as grants funding and infrastructure projects.

We provide everything you need to make your lottery a success

Expert advice and guidance

At Gatherwell, we know a thing or two about lotteries. We have helped more than 13,000 organisations raise funds for good causes, making us the perfect partner to drive lottery success. We’ll support you when it comes to councillor or trustee endorsement, so you can achieve buy-in for your lottery.

Bespoke lottery website

When you launch a community lottery, you’ll get a dedicated website built by us with a look and feel designed to engage your community. It will have your branding, and a unique URL, ensuring it will resonate with local causes and residents.

Comprehensive launch plan

We provide a comprehensive launch plan to ensure your lottery makes the biggest possible impact, as quickly as possible. This includes a launch planning guide, press release, and much more.

Customised marketing materials

Our marketing team will build a suite of promotional materials to encourage local organisations to join your lottery and rally the community to support these causes and buy tickets.

Social media campaigns

We provide a suite of social media assets, as well as fully automated social media posts to help encourage supporters via Facebook and Twitter.

Dedicated customer support

Our team is on hand online and over the phone to answer supporters’ questions and help with ticket purchases, via a dedicated local phone number and unique email address.

Complete visibility

Our online dashboard and regular email reports provide you with total visibility over your lottery results. This makes it easy to understand and demonstrate the positive impact your lottery is having on your local community.

How it works

At Gatherwell we make lotteries easy. Getting started is simple, and before you know it you’ll be raising thousands of pounds for your local community.

Step 1: Launch the lottery

Gatherwell will create an online lottery dedicated to your local authority. We will work with you through all the fine details such as the lottery licence application, and will support you to gain endorsement from across your organisation.

Step 2: Attract good causes

Once the lottery is launched, it’s time to let local community groups and organisations know. They can apply to join, and will have their own dedicated cause page within your broader lottery website.

Step 3: Encourage supporters

Now you have good causes on board, it’s time to start fundraising! Supporters can purchase a ticket for just £1 for their chance to win the £25,000 jackpot and other cash prizes.

Step 4: Celebrate the wins!

Gatherwell will take care of all aspects of the prize draw for you. All that’s left for you to do is celebrate alongside the lucky winners and watch as additional funding rolls in to support your local community. Players can even donate their winnings back to the cause.

We’ve had a fantastic response to the launch of our local lottery. As a result, we’re increasing our own community grants program to deliver even more funding to local good causes. The lottery is helping us build a more resilient voluntary and community sector.”

Dover District Council

Discover how Gatherwell can help you fundraise for your community

Giving more back to your local community

We work hard to ensure funds raised go back to the good causes they were intended for. We return almost double the amount of other national lottery providers.

50% good causes

50% of all funds raised go directly back to the cause,

10% central fund

10% goes into a central fund, which can be used at your local authority’s discretion.

3.6% VAT

3.6% goes to VAT, which you can claim back and redirect into your organisation and clubs.

18.2% prizes

18.2% goes towards the cash prizes and £25,000 jackpot.

18.2% admin

18.2% of funds raised are used to cover administration costs such as customer support, marketing and additional, regular, non-cash prizes.

Frequently asked questions

Want to find out more about local authority lotteries? Find the answers below.

How much does it cost to set up a local authority lottery?

At a time when communities are feeling the pinch, Gatherwell understands the importance of keeping costs down. We charge a small upfront fee to get your lottery up and running.

How much money goes back to the community?

We are an ethically run company, and work hard to ensure funds raised go to the good causes they were intended for. With a local authority lottery, 63% of all funds raised go back to the local community. The cause keeps 50% of all ticket sales generated through their individual page, and 10% goes into a central fund for the local authority, if they choose. This is almost double the amount of other national lottery providers.

Do I need a gambling licence?

Gatherwell will guide you through the application process for a Local Authority Licence from the Gambling Commission. We will support you every step of the way and provide you with the relevant documentation and advice.

How do the prizes work?

Most local authorities choose to run their lottery with a prize model including a £25,0000 jackpot and odds-based winners. We offer other, flexible prize structures as needed, and can incorporate non-cash prizes such as holidays, vouchers or experiences. There is no risk to the council or the cause, as they are not required to provide any of the prizes.

Who runs the lottery?

Gatherwell takes care of day-to-day lottery operations, while the local authority retains oversight and governance. Gatherwell manages the prize fund including the £25,0000 jackpot – relieving you of any exposure.

How do I achieve buy-in from councillors/trustees and senior management?

We will work with you to get endorsement from relevant stakeholders. We provide reports, presentations and examples of successful lotteries to enable you to achieve buy-in.

How much ongoing work is involved?

The ongoing administrative burden for the local authority is relatively low. Once the lottery is set up, local authorities need to promote the lottery using the materials provided, approve good causes as they apply, and authorise monthly cause payments and a Gambling Commission lottery return.

Can lotteries cause problem gambling?

Fundraising lotteries, also referred to as “incentivised giving”, are considered low risk in terms of contributing to problem gambling. Several research studies support this.

Learn more

Are we pressuring people into spending when they can’t afford to?

We know the people in your community are generous at heart, even when times are tough – but that doesn’t mean we should take from those who can’t afford it. Our lotteries typically cost £1 per ticket, which means they are less likely to break the household budget. Players can stop playing the lottery at any time should they need to.

How do I get started?

To get started with your very own local authority lottery, talk to us today.

Contact us today